Enterprise Computing and storage

Enterprise Computing and storage

In recent years, data generation has increased multiple times. Businesses these days can generate billions of bytes of data every day. A significant amount of the data generated, if stored appropriately and used wisely, can assist businesses with projections and informed decision-making.

However, with increased data usage and generation, there’s a need for institution-grade enterprise data storage solutions as well to evolve. And that, precisely, calls for partnering with an Offshore/ outsourced software development company that can assist on improving existing products or developing new ones. NETFLOW gives you that much-required data storage advantage! Our extensive experience and expertise in Data Storage Development and Data Protection Areas qualify us to provide comprehensive and customized enterprise data storage solutions and services to companies from the data storage industry.

We hire and build teams with data storage domain expertise. Being among the leading data storage companies, we leverage our own experience to provide effective data storage, data management, and data protection solutions and services. Our teams are built with an ability to work in core components, including kernel, file systems, volume management, etc. and phases of product development life cycle like Research, Design, Development, Testing and Maintenance.

To date, we have worked with multinational data storage companies like EMC, Seagate and a few others worldwide. We have successfully developed Offshore Development Centers (ODCs) for companies dealing in Network Attached Solutions (NAS), clustered file system and enclosure management products, cloud-based data storage solutions, etc. Our innovation focus has helped our customers in several new product features and enhancements, resulting in multiple patent applications from our custom software development teams.

Why Choose NETFLOW?

Simplicity of Solutions

We develop offshore teams and develop simple yet effective custom software development solutions across multiple areas,


We deliver enterprise data storage solutions that consistently deliver superior performance;


Scale your team size and capacity at any time. The expert teams that we develop specifically for your project can be scaled whenever you want


Our extensive experience across the data storage sector enable us to deliver top-quality and bespoke enterprise data storage solutions

Instant Project Commencement

Select, hire and onboard! Rapid people deployment. As a result, projects begin on time, and conclude on time.

Non-Disruptive Support

Being among the leading data storage companies, we strive to provide seamless service support across every stage of the project and fulfil our responsibilities

A simple, reliable, and affordable solution for unlimited internet access

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